Netflix was looking for a dark, dramatic opening that would also hint, with a girlish nod, at some of the teenage social and sexual issues in the show (e.g. bullying, depression, suicide, and rape). I drew this illustrative concept inspired by Hannah's decorative and sardonically playful doodles. This concept not only brings her doodles to life, but uses them to create a sort of prescience; a foretelling of a few key elements of the story. The biggest challenge was finding the balance between dark/harmful and sardonic/cute.
For season two, we revisited the main title sequence to add season two imagery and elements such as the smart car, threatening messages, updated doodles, and polaroids
For season three, we added Justin in the passenger seat of the car as well as Ani on a bicycle behind them. We update the end card with new doodles of objects potentially relevant to the investigation, with different objects moving into an evidence bag while the episode number animates on an evidence marker. Starting from Episode 303, red headlines and a handprint appears hinting towards a crime/investigation.